(Deut. 1:30, 31)
Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua uwa gha ke odaro ne uwa, ọ gha vbe gbinna ne uwa vbene aro uwa vbe sọe ighẹ ọ ru ẹre vbe Igipt. 3
1 Kevbe uwu ato. Wa miẹn vbene ọ ya viọ uwa do sẹ emwa na hẹ ke odọ hia gha dee, zẹ vbene erha mu ovbi ẹre.’
Jehovah your God will go before you and will fight for you, just as he did in Egypt before your very eyes.
31 And you saw in the wilderness how Jehovah your God carried you just as a man carries his son, everywhere you went until you came to this place.’
(Deut. 5:18)
“‘Ghẹ ghẹẹ.
“‘Neither must you commit adultery.
(Deut. 5:21)
‘Ghẹ yaro ye amwẹ ọmwa ọvbehe. Ghẹ yaro ye owa ẹre, ra otọ ẹre, ra eviẹn ọnrẹn, ra ẹmila ẹre ra ekẹtẹkẹtẹ ọre ra emwi ke emwi ni ghi re ọghe ẹre.’
“‘Neither must you desire your fellow man’s wife. Neither must you selfishly desire your fellow man’s house nor his field nor his slave man nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his donkey nor anything that belongs to your fellow man.’
(Deut. 6:5)
Ye ekhọe ruẹ hia hoẹmwẹ Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua ruẹ, kevbe orhiọn ruẹ hia kevbe ẹtin ruẹn hia.
You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul* and all your strength.*
See Glossary.
Or “vital force; resources.”
(Deut. 6:6, 7)
Ghẹ mianmian avbe uhi ne I viọ ne uwa na ẹdẹnẹrẹ na ẹdẹ.
These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart,
7 Ma avbe ivbi uwa ẹre. U ghi gha tae vbe u ghaa rre owa kevbe vbe u gha kpa hin owa rre, vbe u ghaa hẹwẹ kevbe vbe u ghaa winna.
7 and you must inculcate them in* your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.
Or “repeat them to; impress them upon.”
(Deut. 6:6-9)
Ghẹ mianmian avbe uhi ne I viọ ne uwa na ẹdẹnẹrẹ na ẹdẹ.
These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart,
7 Ma avbe ivbi uwa ẹre. U ghi gha tae vbe u a gha rre owa kevbe u a kpa hin owa rre, vbe u a gha hẹwẹ kevbe u a gha winna.
7 and you must inculcate them in* your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.
8 Gbalọ ẹre ginna obọ, u ghi vbe dele ẹre ye uharo ruẹ ne u ya gha ye ẹre rre,
8 Tie them as a reminder on your hand, and they must be like a headband on your forehead.*
9 wa ghi gbẹnnẹ onrẹn ye ẹkhu kevbe onurho owa uwa, kevbe onurho ẹvbo uwa.
9 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Or “repeat them to; impress them upon.”
Lit., “between your eyes.”
(Deut. 7:3, 4)
Wa ghẹ rhie ivbi iran rọnmwẹ ra ne ivbi uwa vbe rọnmwẹ iran.
You must not form any marriage alliances* with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons.
4. Rhunmwuda, iran gha ya ivbi uwa de odẹ hin ehe ne Nọyaẹnmwa ye rre, iran gha ya iran gha gho ẹbọ ọvbehe, ẹghẹ nii, e Nọyaẹnmwa ghi mu ohu uwa, ọ ghi fuẹn uwa a ọwarọkpa nii.
4 For they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods; then Jehovah’s anger will blaze against you, and he will swiftly annihilate you.
Or “not intermarry.”
(Deut. 7:13)
Ọ gha hoẹmwẹ uwa, ọ gha vbe fiangbe uwa, vbene uwa gha na gha muan yọ, wa ghi vbe gha mwẹ emọ nibun, ọ ghi fiangbe ugbo uwa vbene uwa gha na gha mwẹ ọka nibun, kevbe ofigbọn oliv, ọ ghi vbe fíangbe uwa viọ ẹmila kevbe ohuan nibun ne uwa. Ọ gha rhie afiangbe na hia ne uwa vbe otọ ne ọ yan ma avbe erha uwa odede wẹẹ irẹn gha rnu ne uwa.
He will love you and bless you and multiply you. Yes, he will bless you with many children* and with the produce of your soil, your grain, your new wine, your oil, the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks, in the land that he swore to your forefathers to give to you.
Lit., “bless the fruit of your womb.”
(Deut. 10:14)
“Ẹrinmwi nọ yo sẹ ehia, e Nọyaẹnmwa ẹre ọ yan rẹn. Irẹn ọ vbe yan agbọn kevbe emwi hia ni rre uwu ẹre.
Look, to Jehovah your God belong the heavens, even the heavens of the heavens,* and the earth with all that is in it.
Or “the highest heavens.”
(Deut. 10:19)
Rhunmwuda ọni, wa gha hoẹmwẹ avbe erhunmwuyẹn nii, rhunmwuda, erhunmwuyẹn wa vbe khin vbe Igipt.
You too must love the foreign resident, for you became foreign residents in the land of Egypt.
(Deut. 10:20)
Wa gha mu ohan e Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua uwa, wa vbe gha ga irẹn ọkpa kẹkan. Wa gha re emwa nọ gba ẹko ẹre, ne uwa gha ya eni ẹnrẹn ọkpa kẹkan ru eyan uwa.
“Jehovah your God you should fear, him you should serve, to him you should cling, and by his name you should swear.
(Deut. 12:7)
Vbe evba nii, vbe odaro e Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua uwa, ne ọ fiangbe uwa, wẹ kevbe ẹgbẹe ruẹ gha re, wa ghi gha ghọghọ rhunmwuda avbe emwi esi ne uwa miẹn ẹsọn yi.
You and your households must eat there before Jehovah your God and rejoice in all your undertakings, because Jehovah your God has blessed you.
(Deut. 14:1)
“Emwa Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua uwa ọre uwa khin. Rhunmwuda ọnii, wa ghaa khiẹ emwa uwa ni wulo, wa ghẹ ya emwi solo egbe uwa ra ne uwa khiokhio eto nọ rre uwa uharo kua.
“You are sons of Jehovah your God. Do not cut yourselves or shave your foreheads bald* for a dead person.
Lit., “put (make) baldness between your eyes.”
(Deut. 17:6)
Sokpan arhin eva ra eha gha sẹ osẹe gbe ọmwa, a sẹtin gbe ẹre rua, sokpan a ghẹ gbẹe rua vbe orhiọn ọkpa gha sẹ osẹe gbẹe.
On the testimony* of two witnesses or of three witnesses the one who is to die should be put to death. He must not be put to death on the testimony of one witness.
Lit., “mouth.”
(Deut. 17:17)
Ọba ghẹ viọ ikhuo nibun, ọna gha yae fi iyeke gbe Nọyaẹnmwa, ọ ghẹ ya esiliva kevbe igoru họn ẹfe ne egbe ẹre.
Neither should he take many wives for himself, so that his heart may not go astray; nor should he acquire vast amounts of silver and gold for himself.
(Deut. 19:2-7)
Wa ghi zẹ eha vbe uwu avbe ẹvbo nii. Wa ghi ghae otọ ne e Nọyaẹnmwa ra mu ne uwa ye ukhukhu eha vbene ọkpa vbe uwu
you should set apart three cities in the midst of your land that Jehovah your God is giving you to possess.
3 avbe ẹvbo na gha na gha rre ọkpọkpa vbọ ne ọmwa nọ gbe ọmwa ran miẹn ehe lẹ gha rrie ne a miẹn rẹn yi hin obọ ẹbe.
3 You should divide the territory of the land that Jehovah your God has given you to possess into three parts, and prepare the roads so that any manslayer can flee to one of those cities.
4 Adeghẹ ọmwa gbe ọmwa ne ẹi re oghian rẹn rua, vbene ẹi na re ẹmwẹ ọnrẹn, ọ sẹtin lẹ gha rrie ọkpa vbe uwu avbe ẹvbo na, ọ ghi lẹ fe.
4 “Now this is what should take place regarding the manslayer who may flee there in order to live: When he strikes his fellow man unintentionally and he did not previously hate him;
5 “Vbe igiemwi, adeghẹ arhin eva gba ye uwu ẹgbo ya fian erhan, a na miẹn wẹ ọkpa ghi fian erhan vbọ, uhunmwu ughanmwa rẹn keghi vbọ hin uze rre, ọ na gbe ọmwa nọkpa, ọ sẹtin lẹ gha rrie ọkpa vbe uwu avbe ẹvbo na, ọ ghi miẹn uhunmwu.
5 as when he goes with his fellow man into the forest to gather wood and he raises his hand to cut the tree with the ax, but the axhead flies off the handle and hits his fellow man and he dies, the manslayer should flee to one of these cities to live.
6 Adeghẹ ẹvbo ọkpa kẹkan ọre ọ rrọọ, ọ gha rree gbe, a ghi miẹn wẹ ọmwa nọ khẹke nọ rria ikhi ye izigha ne a de ni, ghi khu ọmwa ni mu, kevbe rhunmwuda ne ohu na muẹn nii, ọ ghi ya gbe ẹre rua ighẹ ọmwa nọ ma rri abe. vbene ọ rhirhi gha ye hẹ, te ọ gbe ọmwa ne ẹi re oghian rẹn rua vbe ne ẹi na re ẹmwẹ ọnrẹn.
6 Otherwise, in the heat of anger,* the avenger of blood may chase after the manslayer, overtake him, and kill him, because the distance to the city was too far. However, he did not deserve to die, since he did not previously hate his fellow man.
7 Ọni ọ zẹe ne l na wẹẹ ne uwa zẹ ẹvbo eha ya otọ.
7 That is why I am commanding you: ‘Set three cities apart.’
Lit., “because his heart is hot.”
(Deut. 19:11-13)
“Sokpan adeghẹ ọmwa ghi ba gbe ogieva ẹre rua, ọna lẹ gha rrie ọkpa vbe uwu avbe ẹvbo na ne a miẹn rẹn yi hin obọ ẹre rre vbo?
“But if a man hated his fellow man and he was waiting to attack him and he fatally wounded him* and he died, and the man has fled to one of these cities,
12 Ọ gha yerriọ, avbe ekaolotu ẹvbo ẹre ghi do muẹn, a ghi si ẹre gie ọmwa nọ khẹke nọ rria ikhi izigha nii ne ọ miẹn ehe na gbe ẹre rua.
12 the elders of his city should then summon him from there and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, and he must die.
13 “Wa ghẹ tohan rẹn, wa wabọ izigha na vbe otọ lzrẹl ne agbọn miẹn ehe na ma uwa.
13 You* should not feel sorry for him, and you must remove the guilt of innocent blood out of Israel, so that it may go well for you.
Or “his soul.”
Lit., “Your eye.”
(Deut. 19:15)
“osẹe ọkpa ma sẹ ne a gha ya bu abe gbe ọmwa, ọ gha ghi kanmwa buan, osẹe eva ọre ọ gha sẹ osẹe, a te kha ighẹ ọmwa nii rri abe.
“No single witness may convict* another for any error or any sin that he may commit. On the testimony* of two witnesses or on the testimony of three witnesses the matter should be established.
Lit., “rise up against.”
Lit., “mouth.”
(Deut. 19:16-19)
Adeghẹ ọmwa hoo nọ hoo ọkhọ ye ọmwa ọvbehe egbe vbekpae nọ na mu ẹmwẹ kuan rẹn.
If a malicious witness testifies against a man and charges him with some transgression,
17 Iran eveva ghi do mudia vbe ehe ọkpa ne a na ga nii, ne avbe ohẹn kevbe ni buohiẹn ni mu unu ẹghẹ nii, buohiẹn iran.
17 the two men who have the dispute will stand before Jehovah, before the priests and the judges who will be serving in those days.
18 Iran ni buohiẹn ghi kakabọ gualọ otọ ẹmwẹ nii ẹsẹse, adeghẹ te ọmwa nii wa gheghe mu ẹmwẹ kuan ovbi Izrẹl ne ihua ẹre.
18 The judges will thoroughly investigate, and if the man who testified is a false witness and has brought a false charge against his brother,
19 A ghi rri ọre oya ne a gha te rri ọmwa ne a mu ẹmwẹ kuan ni re. Odẹ vbenian, wa gha gbe ukhu iba vberriọ rua.
19 you should do to him just as he had schemed to do to his brother, and you must remove what is bad from your midst.
(Deut. 22:13-19)
“Gie a kha ighẹ okpia rhie okhuo, iran vbe ọre keghi ru emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ, adeghẹ iyeke ọnii, okpia nii do kha ighẹ rẹn i ghi rhie okhuo nii.
“If a man takes a wife and has relations with her but then comes to hate her*
14 ọ gha zẹ ba okhuo nii wẹ ẹghẹ ne irẹn na rhie ẹre, ẹi re irẹn ọre ọ vba ẹre vbe owa.
14 and he accuses her of misconduct and gives her a bad name by saying: ‘I have taken this woman, but when I had relations with her, I did not find evidence that she was a virgin,’
15 Evbibiẹ ọmọ okhuo nii ghi mu ukpọn ne a wa ye ukpo ọha nọ rhie ma wẹ a ma he vba ọmọ okhuo nii vbe owa, ọ ghi ya muẹn gie avbe ekaolotu ẹvbo nii ghee vbe iko.
15 the father and mother of the girl should produce the evidence of the girl’s virginity for the elders at the gate of the city.
16 Erha ọmọ okhuo nii ghi tama iran wẹẹ, ‘I ya ovbi mwẹ. ne okhuo ne okpia na nọ rhie rọnmwẹ, banbanna nian, ọ he ẹre.
16 The girl’s father must say to the elders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man as a wife, but he hates* her
17 Ọ vbe ba ẹre ohoghe wẹẹ ẹi irẹn ọre ọ vba ẹre vbe owa vbe irẹn rhie ẹre. Sokpan, wa ghee emwi nọ rhie maan wẹẹ irẹn ọre ọ vba ovbimwẹ vbe owa vbe ẹghẹ nọ na rọnmwẹ ọnrẹn, ghee ukpọn ukpo ọha.’
17 and is accusing her of misconduct by saying: “I have found out that your daughter does not have evidence of virginity.” Now this is the evidence of my daughter’s virginity.’ They will then spread out the cloth before the elders of the city.
18 Ẹghẹ nii avbe ekaolotu ẹvbo ghi mu ọdọ ẹre nii, iran ghi gbe ẹre.
18 The city elders will take the man and discipline him.
19 Iran ghi vbe fian ẹre igho esiliva iyisẹn, iran ghi mu igho nii ne erha ọmọ nii rhunmwuda te ọ rhie ukpọn efaa rhuan ọmọ okhuo Izrẹl ọkpa. Yevbesọni, okhuo nii ghi ye gha re amwẹ ọnrẹn, ẹi vbe sẹtin khu ẹre vbe ọ te ya wu.
19 They will fine him 100 silver shekels* and give them to the girl’s father, because the man defamed a virgin of Israel, and she will continue to be his wife. He will not be allowed to divorce her as long as he lives.
Or “then rejects her.”
Or “rejects.”
A shekel equaled 11.4 g (0.367 oz t). See App. B14.
(Deut. 23:14)
Wa gie agọ ọghe uwa gha re ne awua i ye, rhunmwuda e Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua uwa deba uwa rre agọ, ne ọ gha degue uwa kevbe ne ọ rhie akhọnmiotọ ne uwa vbe uhunmwu eghian uwa. Wa ghẹ ru emwi ohọhọ ne ọ gha ya e Nọyaẹnmwa fi iyeke gbe uwa.
For Jehovah your God is walking about within your camp to deliver you and to hand over your enemies to you, and your camp must be holy, so that he does not see anything indecent in you and turn away from accompanying you.
Gia kha wẹẹ okpia rhie okhuo, vbe okiekie ọ na wẹẹ irẹn i ghi vbe rhie rhunmwuda wẹẹ ọ miẹn emwi eso ne ẹi yẹẹ ọre vbe obọ re. Okpia nii ghi gbẹn ebe aheyotọ rhie ne ọvbokhan rẹn, vbe iyeke ọni, ọ ghi wẹẹ nọ la hin irẹn owa rre.
(Deut. 24:1)
“If a man marries a woman but she does not please him because he found something indecent about her, he must write out a certificate of divorce for her, hand it to her, and dismiss her from his house.
(Deut. 24:17)
‘Ghẹ gban emwi nọ khẹke ọmọ ne ẹi mwẹ erha ra orhunmwuyẹn hin iran obọ rre, ghẹ vbe miẹn okhuo nọ dẹgbẹe ukpọn ne u daeyi ye emwi ne u rhie nẹẹn mọmọ.’
“You must not pervert the judgment of the foreign resident or of the fatherless child,* and you must not seize the garment of a widow as security for a loan.*
Or “the orphan.”
Or “as a pledge.”
(Deut. 25:1)
“Gie a kha ighẹ ivbi Izrẹl eva yo iko ne a ya buohiẹn iran, a na bu ase ne ọkpa, a keghi bu abe gbe nọkpa.
“When a dispute arises between men, they may present themselves before the judges, and they will judge them and pronounce the righteous one innocent and the wicked one guilty.
(Deut. 28:1, 2)
Adeghẹ wa gele họn ẹmwẹ ne Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua rua , wa na ya ẹkoata rhie uhi ẹre ne imẹ rhie ne uwa ẹrẹna mwẹ, ọ gha ya uwa kpọlọ sẹẹ avbe okpẹvbo ọvbehe hia ni rre agbọn na.
“And if you will without fail listen to the voice of Jehovah your God by being careful to do all his commandments that I am commanding you today, Jehovah your God will certainly put you high above all other nations of the earth.
2 Wa gha họn ẹmwẹ ne Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua rua, afiangbe na hia gha re ọghua.
2 All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you, because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your God:
(Deut. 30:11-14)
“Uhi ne imẹ viọ ne uwa ẹrẹna, ma lọghọ gbe ra ne ọ gberra ne ẹtin uwa gha sẹ.
“Now this commandment that I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it beyond your reach.*
12 Ẹi re odukhunmwu vbe iso ẹre ọ ye, amawẹ wa ghi kha wẹẹ, ‘Gha ọ ghi ra yo iso ne ima ne ọ ya muẹn tuorre ne ima họẹn kevbe ne ima vbe gha yae ru emwi?’
12 It is not in the heavens, so that you have to say, ‘Who will ascend to the heavens and get it for us, so that we may hear it and observe it?’
13 Vberriọ ẹi vbe re iyeke okun nọkpa ẹre ọ ye amawẹ wa gha kha wẹẹ, ‘Gha ọ ghi ra fian okun rra ne ọ ya rhie ẹre gie ima, ne ima miẹn ehe na họẹn ne a vbe gha yae ru emwi?’ Ẹi re erriọ,
13 Nor is it on the other side of the sea, so that you have to say, ‘Who will cross over to the other side of the sea and get it for us, so that we may hear it and observe it?’
14 ọ rre ehe ne uwa ye vbe emwa na, wa rẹn ọnrẹn, wa gha sẹtin tae ye uhunmwu banbanna nian, wa gha yae ru emwi.
14 For the word is very near you, in your own mouth and in your own heart, so that you may do it.
Lit., “nor is it far away.”
(Deut. 34:8)
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi ye ikpẹdẹ ọgban khiẹ ọre vbe otọe ne ọ rriẹe ọghe Moab. Ẹghẹ ne a ya khiẹ e Mosis keghi fo.
The people of Israel wept for Moses on the desert plains of Moʹab for
30 days. Then the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were completed.
(Deut. 34:10-12)
Ke ẹghẹ nii gha dee, a ma he miẹn akhasẹ ne ọ yevbe Mosis vbe Izrẹl, ọmwa ne Nọyaẹnmwa wa gu guan vbe ghe aro mwẹ ghe aro ruẹ.
But there has never again arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom Jehovah knew face-to-face.
11 A ma he miẹn akhasẹ ne ọ winna iwinna ama kevbe ọyunnuan, egbe ne Nọyaẹnmwa gie Mosis ne ọ winna yan ọba Igipt kevbe ekhaẹmwẹ ọnrẹn kevbe ẹvbo nii hia fẹẹrẹ.
11 He performed all the signs and the miracles that Jehovah had sent him to do in the land of Egypt to Pharʹaoh and all his servants and all his land,
12 A ma he miẹn akhasẹ ne ọ he ru iwinna nekhua ni yan ọmwa unu ruan ne Mosis winnaẹn vbe odaro Ivbi Izrẹl hia.
12 along with the mighty hand and the awesome power that Moses displayed before the eyes of all Israel.
(Deut. 34:10)
Ke ẹghẹ nii gha dee, a ma he miẹn akhasẹ ne ọ yevbe Mosis vbe Izrẹl, ọmwa ne Nọyaẹnmwa wa gu guan vbe ghee aro mwẹ ghee aro ruẹ.
But there has never again arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom Jehovah knew face-to-face.